What Does a Strata Manager Do?

A Strata Manager (Also known as Body Corporate Manager, Owners Corporation Manager) is ultimately, an administration resource for all Owners, Property Managers and Tenants within a Unit Complex.

A Strata Management Agency is employed by the Owners Corporation to manage certain aspects of the building.

The Strata Management Agency then appoints one of their Strata Managers to undertake these administrative duties.

The key duties of a Strata Manager in Canberra include;

  • Communication: A Strata Manager communicates closely with the Residents and Owners of a Units Plan. Your Strata Manager will keep you updated on any building works being completed, they will mediate disputes, provide advice based on current legislation, keep Owner and Resident records up to date, answer general queries and converse with any Resident/Owner via phone or emails.
  • Financial: Financial Strata Management Services extend into a broad range of duties, inclusive of, preparation of the yearly budgets, invoice and payment monitoring, collection and banking of levies, lodging tax and BAS and managing the multiple Owners Corporation financial accounts.
  • Maintenance: Common property is a shared asset between all unit Owners, any maintenance required on common property is facilitated and monitored by your Strata Manager. Whether the building’s common property only consists of a small garden bed or the common property includes many shared areas (pool, gym, dining room), your manager will engage tradespeople to ensure the areas are kept clean, tidy and safe.
  • Meetings: A Strata Manager will prepare and distribute meeting agendas & minutes. They will ensure the Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are held at the applicable time of year and will arrange, attend and minute other meetings when required.
  • Compliance: A Strata Manager will ensure all aspects of the building meet current legislative requirements, making sure the building insurance is up to date, ensuring the building has the applicable, specialised plans and funds. A Strata Manager will engage licensed professionals to ensure all building assets are kept up to the compliance standards required by law.

A Strata Manager is an educated, valuable resource who undertakes their duties with the goal of supporting an Owners Corporation with the management of their shared assets.

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