Is It Time to Change Your Body Corporate Manager?

If you’ve noticed declining service levels or struggle to get in touch with your body corporate manager, it may be time to consider a change.

While switching management companies is a significant decision, it can lead to better service, improved communication, and enhanced outcomes for your community.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you understand when and how to change your body corporate manager.

When Should You Consider Changing Your Body Corporate Manager?

Termination of a body corporate manager’s services should not be taken lightly. However, some signs may indicate it’s time for a change:

Substantial Levy Arrears

Managing levy payments is a core responsibility of body corporate managers. If levy arrears are consistently high and the committee is not receiving adequate updates, this could jeopardise the budget and hinder essential services like insurance and contractor payments.

Unmaintained Common Areas

A reliable manager promptly addresses maintenance and repair issues, ensuring common areas are well-maintained. Delays in responding to maintenance requests can affect the liveability and value of your property.

Delays in Annual General Meetings (AGMs)

Legally, your AGM must be held annually within three months of the financial year-end. If this is delayed due to your manager not preparing the budget or agenda on time, it could indicate inefficiency or poor organisation.

How to Change Your Body Corporate Manager

1. Review Your Current Agreement

Obtain a copy of your existing contract to determine:

  • The contract’s expiration date.
  • Conditions under which early termination is permitted.

If you believe your manager has breached the contract, you may need to issue a remedial action notice. For more information, refer to the Queensland Government’s BCCM website.

2. Choose a New Body Corporate Manager

Before terminating your current manager, you must have a new one in place.

  • Tender Process: Committees may issue formal requests for tender or evaluate services based on cost and scope.
  • Site Visits: At Civium, we conduct on-site visits to better understand your property and offer tailored solutions.

3. Call a General Meeting

Changing managers requires a vote during a General Meeting, allowing all owners to have their say.

  • If the contract ends soon, this can coincide with the AGM.
  • For breaches, you may need to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.
  • Civium provides templates, guidance, and support for organising these meetings in line with legislative requirements.

4. Sign the New Contract

Once the motion to appoint a new manager is passed, two committee members can sign the agreement with the incoming body corporate manager.

5. Ensure a Smooth Handover

Notify both the incoming and outgoing managers of the decision. The new manager will handle the transition, ensuring all records, financials, and owner rolls are transferred efficiently.


At Civium, we prioritise seamless handovers and arrange an executive committee meeting early in the process to discuss operations, outstanding items, and potential improvements.

Unsatisfied with your current body corporate manager? Contact Civium today to learn how we can help.

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