What is Strata Management, Body Corporate, and Owners Corporation? When should you use one term as opposed to another? Do they all mean the same thing? Why are there different terms? We regularly hear these questions from our clients. This article will outline some specifics about each term – Strata Management, Body Corporate, and Owners Corporation.
To begin, the terms you use will be determined by the state in which you reside.
In Victoria, the Owners Corporation is the legal entity that owns the common property in a building. Therefore it is an Owners Corporation management company that provides the Owners Corporation with an Owners Corporation Manager to provide strata management services.
Unlike NSW & ACT, the Executive Committee is more commonly referred to as the Owners Committee, Managing Committee, or Committee.
It’s simple – we exist to empower our clients to make the right decision on behalf of their communities.
Using our bespoke network of systems, dashboards, and portals, we are able to identify and develop innovative solutions that empower our clients, giving them a seamless experience and connection to their strata community.
We will set you up with a team of experts who act as your personal advisors, transitioning your experience as part of an Owner’s Corporation from one of burden, to one of pride.
If you have any feedback regarding the service you are receiving from Civium Communities we would love to hear it.
Our Head of Communities, Jarrod Smith, can be reached at jarrod.smith@civium.com.au; or call 1300 724 256
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