
Why You Need to Hire an Owners Corporation Manager for Your Building

Owners Corporation Manager

Owners corporation managers are a crucial asset in successfully managing a unit complex. While it is not legislation to employ an owners corporation (strata) management company, they are a valuable asset that will provide knowledge, experience and professional resources for your complex to run smoothly.

Why employing an owners corporation manager is important?


Technical Knowledge

A good owners corporation manager is a valuable resource for owners needing technical knowledge regarding their property. Owners will not need to spend time dissecting technical information regarding by-laws, legislation, insurance and regulations as their manager will be a hub of knowledge for all the information they may need.

Objective advice

Hiring a professional owners corporation manager means that your property has a third party free from biased opinions that can mediate conversations and decisions within the owners corporation. Mediation is a valuable asset to take advantage of, and your owners corporation manager will be able to disarm any disputes with facts and an unbiased approach.


Centralised Communication

A healthy line of communication is crucial for the day-to-day running of a successful complex. Employing professional management not only reduces the risk of miscommunication and mixed messages between owners but also means that a professional record of all communications will be kept for any future references. An owners corporation company also has all the necessary systems to streamline the distribution of bulk communications such as levy notices and meeting minutes.


Experience and industry knowledge

A valuable asset you gain from employing an owners corporation manager is the industry experience and knowledge you receive that you would miss out on with a self-managed property. A manager’s prior experience and industry training allows them to navigate the legislation and industry on your behalf professionally. This experience is helpful when needing technical advice and also means they guide you with expertise, which will give you peace of mind.

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